Write a Paragraph EVE-TEASING?


Now a day’s eve teasing is the talk of the town and already taken the life of a lot of girls. Now eve leasing is also referred to us stalking. Generally eve teasing starts with a rude comment or a song from a distance or at closer range, with the passage of time the manner of eve teasing has changed to phone calls, text message, email and letters and flowers. “Jan tomake chara ami bachbona” “I will not live without you” “I love you, if I can not have you than no one can” are some kinds of comments used when teasing and threatening their victims who often take their life to escape the humiliation. Many victims suffer from severe mental trauma as do their family members.
Every day eve teasing and sexual harassment are cowering around the country but only a few of them we see in media and news paper. Along with other problems like load shedding, traffic jam, eve teasing is now turning into a big issue. Preventive measures have already been taken by police visiting educational institutions trying to provide protection and providing phone numbers to call during emergencies. But it should be noted that it is not possible to hope that the police will give security to all educational intuitions of the country.The most effective step can be taken by khatibs of mosques as they play an important role in increasing awareness about AIDS to the mass. They can also condemn eve teasing. Besides, the punishment of eve teasing should be concerned in media so that people may be, discouraged from committing the crime.

Prepared by:
Rayhane jannat Baby
Lecturer, Department of English, Comilla.

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